"People assume that time is a strict progression of cause to effect, but...it's more like a big ball of wibbly wobbly...time-y wimey...stuff."
So, anyway, Freshman Orientation: sitting around in a large room full of high school students, being told how great we are, trying not to be bored with having information thrown at me that I've already either heard before or figured out on my own, contemplating starting the Rock Kickers United Society with Sam, spending an hour and a half talking about what classes to enroll in only to find out that the ones I'm already enrolled in are just fine and I didn't have to really be there (and therefore miss biology on top of Jane Austen... and I wasn't expecting to miss both; they told me I wasn't going to have to miss biology, but then I found out I was, but I figured it would be worth it if it would get my enrollment straightened out, and then when the guy was supposed to sign the paper he barely even looked at my class list... reminds me of the adviser I saw last Christmas who just sort of waved me by and didn't even leave any records...) anyway, enough of the inattentions of advisers.
The long and short of it is, I'm signed up for all the classes I swore throughout high school that I'd never take in college because they're too hard, I hate the subject material, etc.--well, lo and behold, I'm actually looking forward to these. My classes for this fall are (in order of their occurence):
Calculus I
Elementary Statistics
Greek I
Chemistry I
Overview of American History
17 whopping hours. Whoop. (If I CLEP out of American History, it could go down to 14...probably not, though. I'd probably just add the Democracy In America class in its place.) They all happen on MWF, so those days are going to be pretty nasty. I only have a Calculus class on Tuesday and Chemistry lab on Thursday, so actually I'm going to have a pretty decent schedule, I think. I like having class-days and homework days, rather than class-and-homework-thrown-together-and-mushed-around days. Those are painful.
Gotta go... paper to write, pre-lab to finish. It's the last paper and the last pre-lab; I just turned in the last math assignment. I'm slightly stressed about finals--they're just so close!--but I'm also looking forward to being done.
"Tracked you down with this. This is my timey-wimey detector. Goes ding when there's stuff. Also, it can boil an egg at 30 paces. Whether you want it to or not, actually, so I've learned to stay away from hens. It's not pretty when they blow."
Nice class list!
Honestly, I think the American History would be a breeze for you, Chemistry will be easy also especially because I'm guessing you will be taking the one that is not for engineers (engineers take 1414). Calculus is also pretty fun, especially toward the end. And statistics is pretty much a lot of repetition and stuff you've already figured out, with a bit extra tacked on ;)
I like having all of my classes back to back on MWF if I can.
By the way, I really liked the quote from the Doctor, it was one of my favourites when I first saw that episode.
That last quote is just gross.
*ugh* to your class list. Those are all the classes that I vowed I'd hate in high school, and that I still hate. *grin* Enjoy....
Even...hate.... /Calculus?!!/
What about Greek? That to me sounds rather useful for study. If only I had the time....
I think I've already discussed classes with you... ;-D
I personally didn't think the quote is disgusting, but that might just be me. :-D