And, you know, it's not like I'm a perfectionist or anything, making this whole reconstruction thing even more time-involved... at least that's not a factor at all! >.>
The point is, it's not worth clinging to this skeleton of a blog. It's time for a change. That may mean a new blog; it may mean... I don't know.
But it was time for a change anyway. The blogging persona that I invented years ago as a freshman in high school was long, long gone before the link at the top of the page expired. The persona I conjured together as a nursing-student-gone-nurse is fading too. The self-description always said "happens to be," and all my "happens to be"-s are changing. Just now, I'm a child of God who happens to be jobless and planning a wedding and trying to decide what to do with the next two weeks. By mid-August, I will be a child of God who happens to be married to Daniel.
Of course, "happens to be" does not mean that being a nurse or being married are No Big Deal. Rather, there is a balance. I am not changing blogs/unblogging because I have Arrived Somewhere; I am not not changing because the change is insignificant. But I need some time for thought, and I need some time to talk about it with a Certain Fellow whose opinion is rather significant.
Expect another post. We'll take it from there.
The "happens to be"s are the British in you. It's a big deal, so we'll not make a big deal of it. Wouldn't want to inconvenience anyone.
I don't know why, and you're not to blame, but this post made me oddly unhappy. As though...I don't know...I'd come back to a house in which I was accustomed to find you and found instead that you'd gone out indefinitely and didn't know when you'd be back. That sort of sadness. Of course it's not the only place to find you (as my ten-page letter will attest), but one feels a bit downcast to find one's familiar bolt-hole has been blocked up for the time being.
I'll just have to write more ten-page letters. And anyway, you're always in my blog feed: if you kick in the door and stumble about lighting lamps and catching the curtains on fire, I'll know and trot round. :)
Congratulations, Anna! How wonderful... But we will miss your blog. Will you start a new blog? We shall be immensely glad.
We're so happy for you!
Get over your hill and see
What you find there
May your inkpot never run dry, may your insanity only be such to the wise of this world, may your Ones always be Cold, and may your sunsets never fail to dazzle.
... I'm not sure what there is left to say, that hasn't been said already. Be assured though that I intend to "ditto" pretty much everything there.
Especially the bit about catching the curtains on fire. Though it seems your poor broken header is already evidence that somebody has been stumbling around in the dark!
Here's to you and the man, and many jovial wanderings!
And don't be a stranger, whenever it is you decide that the world needs more of your writing about. :)