And, you know, it's not like I'm a perfectionist or anything, making this whole reconstruction thing even more time-involved... at least that's not a factor at all! >.>
The point is, it's not worth clinging to this skeleton of a blog. It's time for a change. That may mean a new blog; it may mean... I don't know.
But it was time for a change anyway. The blogging persona that I invented years ago as a freshman in high school was long, long gone before the link at the top of the page expired. The persona I conjured together as a nursing-student-gone-nurse is fading too. The self-description always said "happens to be," and all my "happens to be"-s are changing. Just now, I'm a child of God who happens to be jobless and planning a wedding and trying to decide what to do with the next two weeks. By mid-August, I will be a child of God who happens to be married to Daniel.
Of course, "happens to be" does not mean that being a nurse or being married are No Big Deal. Rather, there is a balance. I am not changing blogs/unblogging because I have Arrived Somewhere; I am not not changing because the change is insignificant. But I need some time for thought, and I need some time to talk about it with a Certain Fellow whose opinion is rather significant.
Expect another post. We'll take it from there.