I won't go all political on here, though, because that would be tedious.
I'm currently very tired and feeling a wee bit woozy. I haven't had a real meal today since breakfast, and the cup of coffee and handful of gummy worms (not eaten at the same time, thank you!) are not cutting it. Today just sort of went out of control. I took and passed my driving exam this morning (I didn't do it last weekend; we had to have the brakes and windshield fixed) and ever since then have been running about. I took D shoe shopping, which was quite...interesting. She's very indecisive but we made it through alright and then went to Wal-Mart...and I'm realizing how it's possible to spend all day running around doing things and never really get anything done. Driving takes too long.
For now, I'm just glad I passed the test and that there wasn't a build-up of phone calls at work while I was unexpectedly gone... I'm going to eat something substantial and do something useful. Maybe fold laundry.