...yeah, I thought not too. But I'm probably putting them on the silly table, along with Anna Banana and a host of other things. I have an old map of the Shire to represent my devotion to Lord of the Rings, and a stethoscope/scrub top/name badge for that aspect of things... some school-related stuff, gloves and a picture for my Jane Austen plays, a Cowboys shirt because that's my college, and...other junk, mostly. I can't think of everything that's in there.
In my forage for Objects Representing My Past (fondly referred to as ORMP, which, when pronounced phonetically, is rather the sound I made as I hefted all the heavy Rubbermaid memory-tubs around and dug through them) I came across several "letters to myself," one for when I was sixteen (obviously that one was delayed in the post) and one for my seventeen-year-old persona. I opened them both. The 16-year-old was written when I was 14, and it was very strange. Very, very strange. The one to myself now (17) was not much better, although my sense of humor was more recognizable. I had written that one about a year ago. It contained sarcastic gems such as:
Please tell me you don't have a boyfriend. If you do, I doubt he's the love of your life, and you'd better dump him soon.
Rest easy, 16. Some things haven't changed.
There were some other similarities to my present self, such as my regular habit of starting with hopeless nostalgia/sentiment and then dashing it to the ground:
Sixteen isn't anything I expected she'd be. I hope you dodge my expectations too.
It was almost disturbingly personal in parts--like opening some forgotten person's mail written to some other person who doesn't exist....the correspondence of a dead person to a fictional one. Very odd. It made my dramatic/writer side shiver with delight, and I'm sure I'll be writing about something like that sometime... But first I think I'm going to write another "letter to the future": because I actually did manage to remind myself of some important things (the dumping of nonexistent boyfriends being one example), and it made for a really, really good laugh--neither being things I expected in my search for ORMPs.
I also found a magnificently vast collection of LotR movie frame shots, nicely laminated and all. That made me chuckle a bit, and Evelyn at least should remember/understand that...
Another quote from our mystery quoter, and I'll have to go:
"If you board the wrong train, it is no use running along the corridor in the other direction."
And finally, a final declaration:
I loathe eye makeup.