Enough with the very cool.
Much as I would like to say that I am swinging the world by the tail, that denotes a certain carefree-ness which is pretty much nonexistent about this time of year. Exams, papers, driving, officer retreats, work--it's all crazy. Things are looking really good for this summer, though, and I'm thankful for that.
So I don't have much to say. I'm mostly burning time between now and when I have to go meet my father at the office. Today was supposed to be a killer day; math exam at 7:30 am immediately followed by rotten photosynthesis lab. The math exam went fine--only seven problems and extra credit, which wasn't hard but meant the questions were worth more...blah. But I'm 99% sure I got the extra credit one right, which is sweet. It was something that I'm really terrible at, and we had ten minutes left and I was about to give up, but I thought about it some more and scribbled some stuff on the paper, and then the light went on and I did it! I'm really excited about that. Extra credit always helps. =)
And then lab was great. We got a super good score on our last lab report, which gave us all a boost of motivation and we finished an hour early...the only thing I hate about that is if we get a rotten score, I'll feel very bad, because we had the time to improve. I would have liked to stay and make addition stuff, but no one else did, so ah well.
I'm very tired. I didn't go to CY last night; I was falling asleep all day yesterday, and with the exam today I just couldn't. I listened to music, half-watched Henry V with Beth and the boys, and half-studied for the exam. I had the most lovely ice cream at the Marble Slab yesterday: coffee with heath bar, and that gave me some energy to study. But I mostly listened to music.
...and now I'm just being random and rather mindless. 20 minutes 'till I have to go. I do wish I'd brought more than my lab manual...I wasn't expecting this much down time.
Maybe I'll sleep...