Of course, we immediately engaged in serious discussion. "MLK DAY", we decided, must be an abbreviated form of "MILK DAY." Obviously, whoever had put the sign up had lost all the "I" letters from the box, and just decided that us decent, logical human beings would figure it out for themselves.
That led us to the most baffling issue at hand: what on earth is "MILK DAY," why have we never heard of it before, and what does it have to do with a dream?
Then it struck us. Some poor employee, up at half past five in the morning, bleary-eyed and groggy, stumbling about with his little magnetic-letter-applier-thing, must have made a typo. With his bleary eyes and groggy head, he wouldn't have noticed it, and maybe no one had looked carefully enough at the sign since then to realize the mistake. We pulled over, strolled into the main office, and talked to the secretary.
After advising her of the situation, we told her the sign would make much more sense (even without the 'I') if it read:
We'll be looking for the change on the sign tomorrow, because change is all part of the American cream.
Dream, I mean.
Note: this is not intended to malign said owner of said sign in any way; we are not entirely sure if said owner has any bleary-eyed employees, or if the secretary of said establishment is male or female. Also, no slander is intended against propagators of cream manufactured in America or the American dream (so-called).